

Pierre Montant _ Artiste peintre _ Suisse _ Tableaux _ Années 2000
Detail of ”Livio’s point”

“At the beginning, there was the blue, all shades of blue from daybreak to dusk. A blue that is not a color but light, atmosphere, space. And it is in this space, sky or sea, that Pierre Montant builds his landscapes. […] Two countries dictate the chromatic atmosphere of his paintings: Switzerland, Geneva, the lake, the Rhone, the Arve, domesticated waters whose eddies reflect the half-tone of the continental climate, and Italy, Liguria, Boissano, Varigotti, where the painter finds the immensity of the sea and the intensity of light that, depending on the time of day, sculpts or flattens the volumes.”


– Claude Ritschard

I have always been attracted by perspectives that lead into another or by the astonishing geometry in my environment that can form juxtaposed spaces. I also realize that I really enjoy constructions that suggest that there is something beyond the painting. I realize this by seeing what I have done over the years.



Discover some paintings from the decade.




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